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Today in a shocking incident involving several twists, turns and jazz hands just like a traditional cher routine a crazed fan who will remain unamed was killed dead by cher herself. Witnesses say she beat the victim with a java compiler for several minutes before bursting into her new hit 'u give me fever...lab fever'. Although her new song is fab it does not warrent the death of a raving screaming cher crazed fan. Keep an eye out for cher. She is presumed armed with java.compilers and dangerous.
Everyone samba! Samba di janeiro!
Hot scandal has just landed in dit kevin street. Cher seen here with her eyes tastefully blacked out has just released a statement saying how unhappy she is at her image being defaced and spread around kevin street. Her previous visits have brought joy to gay and gays alike with her singing all her classic hits like "walking in java instanciated varibles", "belive in life after information retrieval", "Gypsies, tramps and compilers" and her all time classic "I saw a man and he danced with an interim report". Maybe sure to keep CherWatch 2008 going and report your next sighting of cher
Look who we found wandering around dit. Cher! Singing her new song 'interim report blues' sure to b her next number one. Download it now frow for only 9.99. Her new album entitled 'ill fyp in ur face' will be released soon!